9RCDG has significantly strengthened and maintained the RRU’s preparedness, through alignment to the Command’s policy and directives in pursuing genuine transformation of the Community Defense Centers (CDCs) and the Ready Reserve Units (RRUs) across the region. This direction ensured transparency, discipline, and professionalism among the organic and reservist personnel.
At present the Group has a commendable record of the status and manning of the respective RRUs, a manifestation of significant successes in administration. The Group safeguards the data base of existing Ready Reserve Infantry Brigades (RRIBde) and Ready Reserve Infantry Battalions (RRIBn). Softwares and hardwares have been procured such as the SOPHOS that serve as electronic platform that enables every CDC access to encoding and updating reservists’ data based on the Philippine Army’s Enhanced Reservists Information Management System (ERMIS).